Peace Corps Ghana. Menji Agric Senior High. Chemistry. Friends. Cooking. Volleyball. Running. Animals.

18 October 2012


Wow, it's been a wild couple of months since I last posted. Time for a bit of an up-to-dating!

Carolyn Mooney, Scott Mooney, and Stef Williams all came to visit me in July. They brought along a ton of awesome volleyball gear to donate to my school. We played a tournament with our shiny new stuff, and everyone had a blast!

Emmanuel having a good time in his LIFEVB gear!

After Scott departed to return to the U.S. of A., Carolyn and Stef enjoyed life with me in Menji...

After Church with James

No trip is complete without a weird photoshop picture of Aubrey...

Then on August 1st, I left Ghana for the first time in over a year to make my way to my ancestors' homeland... Ireland! I met Dad, Holly, Aubrey, and Wes over there for one heck of a family vacation.

Conway kids...

Exploring Glenairiff National Park...

Since I have been back in Ghana, school has resumed, I have submitted another grant, and I have also begun planning a PCV training on school gradens.

Now that you are a little more up to speed on the life of B, I must go. However, look for PLENTY more updates in the coming weeks! I have a list of blog topics taped to the wall about 3.5 sheets of paper long, so watch out!

Beets McGee

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