Peace Corps Ghana. Menji Agric Senior High. Chemistry. Friends. Cooking. Volleyball. Running. Animals.

20 October 2012

Adila says the darndest things!

Adila has said alot of things. Some things very wise, some things very funny, and many things very quoteable. Thus, today, I want to share a few of the most recent Adila quotes with you...

"I fried some fish. I gave you the head. When we were kids, we always wanted the head, but were scared to eat it, because if you eat the head of a crazy fish, you will become crazy... but also, if you eat the head of a brilliant fish, you will become very brilliant."

[This happens atleast twice a week...] "I am annoyed today. I can't eat anything. Except this banku. THEN, I won't eat anything."

"This picture is from my birthday last year. I drank too much Don Garcia and couldn't see anything."

"I only trust people who are a little bit crazy. I don't trust the calm people. Like the history master. He is too calm. Calm people are the wicked ones!"

"I like beans. I always flatulate too much. But I don't care! If you sleep near me in the hostel, you will complain and make noise! But I don't care! I pay my fees, I can flatulate all night and all day!"

"If someone does something bad to me, I do not want that person to be punished. Maybe he didn't mean to do the bad thing." [What if he did mean to do the bad thing?] "Then God will know."

[Adilla, where are you going, why aren't you in class?] "I'm going to shit." [Oh...ok.]  

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