Peace Corps Ghana. Menji Agric Senior High. Chemistry. Friends. Cooking. Volleyball. Running. Animals.

09 June 2012

Lab Update


This is the first official lab construction update!  As I have absolutely no background in anything even remotely related to construction, my terminology will be..... rudimentary.  Please excuse. :)

First, here is the basic layout of the building:

SO... they started by digging big trenches.  They proceeded to fill the trenches with cement blocks and cement (like normal liquid-ish cement).  There were also some metal rods involved somehow.  Now they have started stacking more cement blocks on top of the other ones.   Picture:

Since the above picture was taken (last week) that tree behind the foundation was cut and sawed into 2x6 boards, which will eventually become the window frames.  The wood was pretty.  It was a nice light red.  I don't know what type of tree it was, but I do know that he was not cut down in vain!!

Additionally, they have hauled in gravel to fill the foundation. I just thought it looked like lumpy dirt.  Picture:

So we're really zooming right along the path of progress!  I will continue to keep you updated as things keep moving on :)

I miss you.  And I miss the cheese in your refrigerator.


1 comment:

  1. Hi! I have been nominated to teach science as well somewhere in Africa. I wanted to ask: did you get teaching science experience before you got invited? and if so how did you go about it? im currently looking for places to get experience teaching/tutoring science and am having a hard time. Thanks!
