Peace Corps Ghana. Menji Agric Senior High. Chemistry. Friends. Cooking. Volleyball. Running. Animals.

20 October 2012

On a Related note

On a related note... Alhaji (Adila's 4 year old brother) says some funny stuff too. And he is on an especially funny kick lately. Every time he wants his way... maybe he sees something he wants or someone asks him to do something he doesn't want to do... He simply claims he is God.

[Alhaji sees biscuits] "I want biscuits."
[Mom says no] "I am God. You say no to God?"
[Mom reluctantly says no] "God wants biscuits."

[Mom says go clean up that mess] "God doesn't want to clean today."

[One Saturday morning..] "I'm going to school."
[Mom says there is no school today] "Well why not?"
[Because it is Saturday] "God can learn any day he feels like learning."

[Alhaji wants rice] "I want more rice to eat."
[Mom says no] "God is still hungry."

Adila says the darndest things!

Adila has said alot of things. Some things very wise, some things very funny, and many things very quoteable. Thus, today, I want to share a few of the most recent Adila quotes with you...

"I fried some fish. I gave you the head. When we were kids, we always wanted the head, but were scared to eat it, because if you eat the head of a crazy fish, you will become crazy... but also, if you eat the head of a brilliant fish, you will become very brilliant."

[This happens atleast twice a week...] "I am annoyed today. I can't eat anything. Except this banku. THEN, I won't eat anything."

"This picture is from my birthday last year. I drank too much Don Garcia and couldn't see anything."

"I only trust people who are a little bit crazy. I don't trust the calm people. Like the history master. He is too calm. Calm people are the wicked ones!"

"I like beans. I always flatulate too much. But I don't care! If you sleep near me in the hostel, you will complain and make noise! But I don't care! I pay my fees, I can flatulate all night and all day!"

"If someone does something bad to me, I do not want that person to be punished. Maybe he didn't mean to do the bad thing." [What if he did mean to do the bad thing?] "Then God will know."

[Adilla, where are you going, why aren't you in class?] "I'm going to shit." [Oh...ok.]  

18 October 2012


Wow, it's been a wild couple of months since I last posted. Time for a bit of an up-to-dating!

Carolyn Mooney, Scott Mooney, and Stef Williams all came to visit me in July. They brought along a ton of awesome volleyball gear to donate to my school. We played a tournament with our shiny new stuff, and everyone had a blast!

Emmanuel having a good time in his LIFEVB gear!

After Scott departed to return to the U.S. of A., Carolyn and Stef enjoyed life with me in Menji...

After Church with James

No trip is complete without a weird photoshop picture of Aubrey...

Then on August 1st, I left Ghana for the first time in over a year to make my way to my ancestors' homeland... Ireland! I met Dad, Holly, Aubrey, and Wes over there for one heck of a family vacation.

Conway kids...

Exploring Glenairiff National Park...

Since I have been back in Ghana, school has resumed, I have submitted another grant, and I have also begun planning a PCV training on school gradens.

Now that you are a little more up to speed on the life of B, I must go. However, look for PLENTY more updates in the coming weeks! I have a list of blog topics taped to the wall about 3.5 sheets of paper long, so watch out!

Beets McGee